Short date: 40% off white truffle olive oil


Our expertise


Maison Borde

The wild mushroom specialist

For over 100 years, the Maison Borde has been selecting products with exceptional qualities sourced from the finest regions in the world. A 100% natural product: our mushrooms are hand-picked in their natural environment and according to the seasons. We offer several varieties of mushrooms in a range of different packaging: dried, preserved, frozen or freeze-dried.

Rigour and expertise

Controlled collection channels

As experts for three generations, we have built up reliable supply chains that allow us to select the best varieties of wild mushrooms at the source – with one continual concern: unbeatable quality. Over the years, we have established long-term partnerships with chains of collectors who meet strict specifications.

Quality control: no compromise

Since 1920, we have been developing real expertise in wild mushrooms. We ensure absolute traceability for all our products.

Our company tests ALL its mushrooms for radioactivity. Pesticide and bacteriological checks are also carried out.

Our standards are very strict, and the company has been awarded the Authorised Economic Operator label (a system that facilitates trade and improves the safety of the flow of goods entering or leaving the European Union).

"La Maison Borde,

a guarantee"

of quality."

We have recently decided to stop using chemicals to eliminate any parasites that may be present in the mushrooms. Moths love mushrooms!

We employ an efficient and natural process, freezing mushrooms for at least 7 days at -25°C.

In our production plant in Saugues, mushrooms pass through optical sorting, X-rays and metal detectors to remove all foreign matter.

Despite these sophisticated, high-performance tools, we have chosen to maintain manual sorting on each of our packaging lines.

As a result, every batch of mushrooms is checked by an operator.

We strive to ensure rigorous and well-done work. Quality is one of our key concerns.

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