3 myrtilles achetées = 1 offerte 

1 mug au choix acheté = 1 pot de mousserons séchés offert

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Vol au vent poultry & chanterelles

Vol au vent poultry & chanterelles


Easy - 10 Min

  • Dish type : Chanterelles
  • Difficulty : Easy
  • Preparation time : 10 min
  • Cooking time : 30 min
  • Recipe family : Impress your guests!
  • Cost : €38.80

Recipe offered by Cyril Tardy.

Shopping List

Ingredients Quantity Price
Fumet de girolles €11.20
Girolles lyophilisées €6.90

Ingredients (8-10 servings)

  • 250 g of Borde chanterelle fumet (juice)
  • 25 g Borde freeze-dried chanterelles
  • 1 chicken broth cube
  • 45 g of butter
  • 45 g of flour
  • 2 or 3 chicken breasts (800 g)
  • 8 vols au vent (to make or buy any loan)
  • 100 g of liquid cream
  • Salt/pepper


  1. Dilute the broth cube in 250 ml of water, add the chanterelle fumet and mix. Prepare your béchamel sauce, melt the butter in a saucepan, add the flour and mix gently to obtain a roux. Gradually add the chanterelle fumet-broth mixture. Set aside.
  2. Cut your chicken breasts into small cubes and poach them. Add them to the béchamel sauce. Poach the freeze-dried chanterelles and add them to the béchamel sauce. Keep a few for decoration.
  3. Cream the mixture and season with salt and pepper.
  4. Fill your vol au vent with the béchamel and place the chanterelles you have put aside on top. Remove the lid.
  5. Add 1 or 2 leaves of arugula on top of the vol au vent to add a "fresh" touch to your preparation.


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