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Express curry soup and dried black trumpets

Express curry soup and dried black trumpets


Very easy - 15 Min

  • Dish type : Black trumpets
  • Difficulty : Very easy
  • Preparation time : 15 min
  • Cooking time : 25 min
  • Recipe family : Gourmet but quickie
  • Cost : €21.50

Recipe offered by Philippe Brun.

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Ingredients Quantity Price
Trompettes séchées €21.50

Ingredients (4 servings)

  • 1 L chicken broth
  • 120 Borde dried black trumpets
  • 70 g of rice or 100 g vermicelli or 300 g potatoes
  • 1 cl cream
  • Curry
  • Fresh herbs (optional)


  1. Rehydrate the dried black trumpets following our instructions. Drain them.
  2. Boil the chicken stock by adding the already moistened and rehydrated black trumpets from the start.
  3. Add the rice, cream and curry. Season carefully as the chicken broth is already salted. Compensate for evaporation of water and continue cooking under cover for about 20 minutes.
  4. Before mixing book four pinches of beautiful black trumpets.
  5. Place on a plate or tureen and arrange on top the black trumpets removed.
  6. Same process with potatoes and vermicelli: start by cooking the black trumpets and add them for 4 to 5 minutes only: do not mix.


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